step 1b - consolidate *?*

seems cruel chaos has taken the lead yet again.  ...and the antidote for living in what feels like one continuous scorpio sting....? bLoggiNg (among other things)

I've been feeling an overwhelming stop-up of me creative juices (the problem being too many ideas and too many thoughts about these ideas--is it even possible?: paralyzingly OVER INSPIRED).  Doubting and questioning all my creative pasts and wondering how they will begin to weave into one another.  What should I nurture, what should I leave behind?

The best solution I can think of now is "smoosh".  Don't get rid of anything, just pack it all together big ol' tasty rice ball style.  Chronicle everything in one place so I (and maybe a few wanderers of the interweb) can see more clearly how things connect/are moving along.  If i don't end up maintaining this little venture, well then rats -- Truth being, I often fall victim to the fleeting fancy of my whimsical heart/mind...sigh...

otherwise,  Welcome to the b(l)og of my mind////returnedGreetings world///


capture (trap), 3 ft x 3 ft, acrylic and latex on stretched canvas, 2013

a new painting!  available to purchase in my online store <3

venus fly trap tattoo

venus fly trap tattoo on ms hannah


starting to work with crowds.  spooky...