'tis a few days after xmas

Hello internet!  I hope everyone made a merry Christmas for themselves.  Mine was very pleasant.  --I'm the proud new owner of a vitamix.  feel free to come over to mi casa for all your mixing needs! --Now I'm trying to get my ducks in a row, eggs in their baskets, trash in the can ... all that good stuff, so I can enter 2014 fresh faced, fluffy feathered and full of fire.  Just you wait!

Until then, here are some shots of the New Years cards I've been getting together for everyone. I feel awestruck and unworthy of all the acts of love around me.  I wish I could adequately express my gratitude.  So, here's a small attempt. (stamp designed by my beautiful and talented sister michelle - she also happens to be my favorite graphic designer! - check out her blog here)


 Stamped Brutto



Needs opening: my hips / my chest

Needs strengthening: my fingers / my toes

Further notes: Un-clench me butt cheeks and tighten me abs instead.


"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin